Season Greeting


"Watch your thoughts; they become words. Watch your words; they become actions. Watch your actions; they become habits. Watch your habits; they become character. Watch your character; it becomes your destiny."

Frank Outlaw

December 9, 2010

December 7, 2010

Emil and Danish Christmas

"This is a fictional children's novels wrote  by Astrid Lindgren, covering twelve books written from 1963 to 1997.. It had turn into a play. That I used to watch it on Danish TV with my daughter . In the beginning I link to some video clips that are on you-tube, and I build  my story  by applying to the  Danish Christmas tradition " (I known Emil is Swedish , but as Sweden and Denmark are sister countries, many tradition are alike. I do not hope that I have offended someone by doing this. It is not my intention" 

Emil Christmas a la Danish style
Ida and Emil are brother and sister. They live with their family on a farm called Katthult, in the Village of Lönneberga in Småland district in Sweden

He has fair hair and blue eyes and looks like an angel, but is not, because he has a prodigious knack for getting into trouble. Contrary to what most people around him think, Emil is not malicious, but does not think about the consequences of his actions. He even states at one point that "you don't make up pranks, they just happen".


Ida, Emil little sister, is a very well-behaved child, unlike Emil. She has tried to pull pranks like her brother since she wanted to go to the shed, which she thinks is cozy, but she failed.
Emil's mother writes down every bad thing Emil does in a blue book, although, that blue book expands to several blue books. His mother, however, adores her boy and tends to say, "Emil is a nice little boy, and we love him just the way he is."

December 6, 2010

Danish Christmas "nisse" and Glædelig Jul

Many of you have notice.  I change my images on this blog frequently, particulary below the head line. For me is not just beautiful layout. I also apply images accordently to season or the tradition background , that I known about and relate to
This time during december,  4 advent images and the Christmas "nisse"turn the candles light on one each time is posted. This is a Danish tradition, that  I adopter from the time I was living there.
In Denmark, Christmas starts with advent which means "coming". It is the coming of Christ that is referred to.

 "Rissen Grod -Nisse familie og katten"
What is The Christmas "nisse"?  It is a small Danish mythical creature. The nisse was usually a small, old man with a white beard, dressed in a grey sweater, grey trousers, a red pixie cap, red stockings and wooden shoes. He was believed to live hundreds of years. As Christmas today is a family time, also the nisse has a family now.
These small creature, The Danes normally and  definitely want to stay best friends with, since he is able to control your fortune. Hence the tradition of putting porridge out for the nisse on Christmas Eve.

One of the great Danish traditions is the "Children's Christmas Calendar" which is a television show made by Danish television. Most years a new one is made. Every day from the first of December to the 24th of December, a new episode is shown on television. mostly a Human family and also will have a Christmas nisse familie  as carater.Usually it is a Christmas story or fairytale either with real people performing or with puppets. In the later years, there has been a tradition for an adult Christmas calendar on television as well. Usually a humorous one.

Danish Advent Wreath

On the fourth Sunday before Christmas Eve - the first Sunday of advent - a wreath of pine twigs mounted with four candles and red or purple ribbons is hung up and one candle is lit. The following Sunday the next candle is lit, lighting one more each Sunday.
The Danes prefere to use " fresh and real" pine for the  wreath and real candles that are able to lite it .  

"Glædelig Jul" in Danish as "Merry Christmas" in English

December 5, 2010

A folkale - how the panda acquired its color

This is a retold story 
   One day a shepherd went up to the mountain with her animal . When she was crossing a bamboo wood, she heart a frightened voice from the tall bamboo wood “Help! Help! Help!... ”.
She decided to find out the reason. She saw a young panda. Its fur was as white as snow. He was attacked by a mean leopard. She though, I have to help him. She was fearless. Without thinking of consequent, she charged the leopard with a large bamboo shoot, striking him over and over again. The leopard was not hurt by the big bamboo. It turned on to fight with the little girl instead. While she fought fearlessly, the white panda rushed to get help. Her bravely action rescued the defenseless panda.
When the white panda returned with his helper “the other white panda.” They found the little girl lost hers life in the fight.
All the white pandas decided to held a funeral in honor of the brave little girl. As a local customer, the Pandas wore black armbands as a sign of mourning. All Pandas were very sad. They were carrier away in a tide of tears that moistened the black armbands, and the black dye began to run. When the pandas wiped their eyes, the armband left black marks. When the pandas consoled each other by hugging, the dye left black spots on their backs. When they covered their ears to block out the sound of crying, the black dye colored their ears. The pandas did not wash the black off their fur as a way to remember the girl.
To this day, pandas are covered with the black markings spots on their body to always remember the girl.

December 2, 2010

Me and The Palindrom

Animals, Beautiful Animals, Nature, Photography, Keefers
From on line there are chance for expanding knowledge and new vocabulary. It add to my explosive "CPU". I strive to digest it slowly and put it in use.  I hock into my foolish imagination. Today my new word is "palindrome". It means a phrase or word or number can be read as forwards or in backwards. It is reverse spelling. I wonder maybe after learning English in America, I become a mutant of the words game. An extra mirror are begun to form in me . I am thinking  Palindrom as  a  mirror inside of me. There are many types of Palindrome in our everyday. I don't aware of their existent in daily and maybe this is a solution for my English learning!

The  examples  I see in every day are:.
Palindromic Characters (words):
civic, radar, level, rotor, kayak, reviver, racecar, and redder.

Palindromic numbers, (I mostly able to see it as a prime number.)
1221,  5885....

It depends on what system you are looking  at "The US or The other". I wonder if I say  The US is the complementary of the European can be offensive context Palindrome video

Genetic in the human DNA
"In the genetic instructions will be able to find the palindromic context too. The DNA is formed by two paired strands of nucleotides, and the nucleotides always pair in the same way (Adenine (A) with Thymine (T), Cytosine (C) with Guanine (G)), a (single-stranded) sequence of DNA is  a palindrome if it is equal to its complementary sequence read backwards. For example, the sequence ACCTAGGT is palindromic because its complement is TGGATCCA, which is equal to the original sequence in reverse complement."
 There are many more of this subject,  I need to hold off for now.
One thing I can conclude Palindrome is " monkey see monkey do"

November 28, 2010

November 27, 2010

November 23, 2010

Quotation Mark about life

I like to analyze philosophical quotes, particularly "Chinese Philosopher Quotes", because way of expression is simple but there are always a more meaningful messages behind them.  I consider this form of expression, like an Iceberg of our life journey. The list below is from "Zhuangzi" (in simplified Chinese: 庄子; traditional Chinese: 莊子; pinyin: Zhuāngzǐ) "  and  may I ask: "Which quote do you like best?" and "Why?"

I can tell you my favorite at  the moment are the butterflies. as follows'
"I do not know whether I was then a man dreaming I was a butterfly,
or whether I am now a butterfly dreaming I am a man."
"I dreamed I was a butterfly, flitting around in the sky; then I awoke. Now I wonder: Am I a man who dreams of being a butterfly, or am I a butterfly dreaming that I am a man? " See this link to video Chasing Butterflies, You will ask me "Why?" I will answer "Because I see myself as a butterfly when I sit in front of the computer and surf around on the net. I feel,  I 'm a butterfly that is moving from flower to flower, because I never known what will be on the next  link or pages." But I know that the next flower could have something nourishing for me! My other favorite at the moment is "Flow with whatever may happen and let your mind be free. Stay centered by accepting whatever you are doing."

Below is a list of the  philosopher  "Zhuangzi"  quotes.
"All existing things are really one. We regard those that are beautiful and rare as valuable, and those that are ugly as foul and rotten. The foul and rotten may come to be transformed into what is rare and valuable, and the rare and valuable into what is foul and rotten. "
"Cherish that which is within you, and shut off that which is without; for much knowledge is a curse. "
"Flow with whatever may happen and let your mind be free. Stay centered by accepting whatever you are doing. This is the ultimate. "
"Great wisdom is generous; petty wisdom is contentious."
"Happiness is the absence of the striving for happiness. "
"I do not know whether I was then a man dreaming I was a butterfly, or whether I am now a butterfly dreaming I am a man. "
"I dreamed I was a butterfly, flitting around in the sky; then I awoke. Now I wonder: Am I a man who dreams of being a butterfly, or am I a butterfly dreaming that I am a man? "
"I know the joy of fishes in the river through my own joy, as I go walking along the same river. "
"Life comes from the earth and life returns to the earth. "
"Men honor what lies within the sphere of their knowledge, but do not realize how dependent they are on what lies beyond it."
"Rewards and punishment is the lowest form of education. "
"Those who realize their folly are not true fools."
"Those who seek to satisfy the mind of man by hampering it with ceremonies and music and affecting charity and devotion have lost their original nature. "
"We cling to our own point of view, as though everything depended on it. Yet our opinions have no permanence; like autumn and winter, they gradually pass away. "

November 22, 2010

All about Christmas

All we want to known about Christmas tradition and more
Please go to  All about Christmas

Weather | Learn English | The Weather

November 18, 2010

Cover Letter

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November 16, 2010

Weekly assigment

I postpone my assigmnet this week. I'm as busy as a Bee

November 9, 2010 - Pros and Cons of Controversial Issues

Topic Inspiration for writing link
Pros and Cons of Controversial Issues. - Pros and Cons of Controversial Issues

November 7, 2010

Persuasive Essay

See full size image
* Link to Wikipedia
Topic: Healthcare for All
Introduction: It is a well-known and famous issue, within the well developed world,  the US’s health care system is a problem child , that needs reform, so that health care is accessible and affordable to all.

The best and the most expensive 
See full size image
*Link to KFF information
Internationally the US has the  largest impact within the Medical area in technology, research, and ground breaking treatment methods. Logically this nation would be statically be top ranking world wide in health care measurement,  like life expectancy. However, in reality the life expectancy in the US is falling sharply behind in worldwide rankings, with a growing number of US residents ,who aren't accessible to health care because of affordability. It is shocking to see the U.S’s health care , falling behind other countries because the healthcare costs soar ahead of them. The United States health care system is the most expensive in the world .
The overall US Health care spending in 2009 was $8,160 per U.S. resident equivalent to nearly 18% of GDP (gross domestic product)
The Healthcare expenditure projected to be $13,100 per resident or accounting for over 20% of GDP by 2018 .
*Link to UN Universal Human right overview
The right to health care 
ccording to the UN universal Declarations of human right in 1948, article 25
“(1) Everyone has the right to a standard of living adequate for the health and well-being of himself and of his family, including food, clothing, housing and medical care and necessary social services, and the right to security in the event of unemployment, sickness, disability, widowhood, old age or other lack of livelihood in circumstances beyond his control.”

The United States is the only wealthy, industrialized country that does not recognize and anticipate health care area as the human right to ensure all citizens have health care coverage. Instead of treating healthcare as a human right, the U.S. generally approaches health care as a commodity—either to be administrated out to the needy as a matter of charity, or to be provisioned by the private sector for maximum profit. While some public funding does exist for certain groups (e.g. those over the age of 65, those poor enough to meet Medicaid criteria, and the military). Problems are US do not adapt healthcare system’s model of the mixture of public and private funding , but rather the heavy reliance on a private sector whose bottom line dictates a focus on profits over people.
Health care policy needs to be about the right to health equally to all of our citizens. The level or quality of healthcare should be an inalienable right of all people, not a privilege of the few. Money should not be allowed to dictate that some should live in good health while others suffer in humiliation and anger.
*Link to Right to Health in America

Simplify and transparency.
Currently the health care system build on option of federal, state, and private funding sources, and hundreds choices of individual insurance plans, and different referral procedures for different types of delivery systems. It results that is to obtain basic care has become a bureaucratic nightmare for individual. The current health care system is becoming extremely complex and entails wasteful expenditures on administrative and litigation costs, making it more and more difficult than ever for individuals to access health care. Because the U.S. health care system frequently delivers inadequate and poor quality health care, and policymakers must streamline  the system to make it easily understandable and accessible for all citizen in our country.
Transparency and simplify regulation within the healthcare  are the beginning step toward making it accessible and affordable to the all.

*Link to Right to Health in America
 Cost control
Government shall act more actively and firmly in aiming for price control, with freezing and decreasing the growth of costs through improved efficiency in the health care system. This will ease the burden to citizens in our society. Providing a healthcare system that is accessible and affordable for all, regardless of race or stature, can only improve our civilization, and protection its citizens with  a dignity and life quality and not constantly emotional fear when illness strikes, because right now it proves to be a significant and potentially ruinous  financially strain on families with personal bankruptcy and more.

The common good is served best by serving all
I believe:
• The right to health is a fundamental human right that all people are entitled to regardless of race, sex, nationality, employment or health status. The right to health is a birthright no different from the right to life or the right to freely express one’s opinion.
• The US is capable of figuring out a healthcare system as other well developed country with accessible, available, affordable, and quality health care. As long the political and its citizens willingness to do.
• The common good is served best by serving all.

October 27, 2010

My Informal letter to US new comer

Dear the new comer 

Welcome to United States of America. There is a well known slogan :  The America  is the land of milk and honey. With time you will realize this expression is out of date.
Many challenges are waiting in front of you. Adjustment is the key to success in the States.
Generally Americans are friendly and helpful . Americans are a very mixed, diverse population that places high priority on individualism. With time you will discover everything is  possible and can happen in the United States.

          This is a country of opportunity and with lots of opportunists. This is one  reason to educate yourself to be a " well rounded  educate consumer". It is the best way of protecting your self against schemes and scams in the everyday living. You will  find that bureaucratic administration is  very heavy. Be patient,  polite, determined and follow up will ease lots in your way. Remember the art of asking the right question to the right person or authority are very important, otherwise you will get lost in the systems jungle. US citizens are very keen on using disposables, as individual convenience is a more importan  issues than environmental. Event through America is a country with freedom of speech, be careful with expressing  your frustration,  particularly in front of "the new American", as you don't want to be in a confrontation. Many of these individual are more patriotic than the "American-born American". You will also meet "reverse discrimination" , don’t get discouraged, just learn a way to kill it with kindness and remember later on help others without bias whenever you can. Americans have very good habits especially with waiting in line culture, people are used to helping each other to fit in line. America is the fast food heaven and a convenience meal is avaible on every corner.You will experience lots of familys with a cooking skills  limited to "unable to cook without a microwave".At last a car is a necessity in your everyday life. You will observer there are more car on the street than people.
Welcome again to a land with unlimited opportunity on individual hard effort for success. Keep on smiling, and adjusting and improvement in all aspects will ease your American's life in the longterm.

Best wish to you and me.

October 22, 2010

W4-FallQuate_ optional writing_My mother - and homelands

Once time I read a writer, ( I forgot the name), with this version  of motherland and homeland:"To Vietnam, My motherland. whose good earth gave me fertile ground to learn and grow.To America, my homeland,whose good heart gave me a chance to be somebody"

After reading this two sentences, my First reation is :  He is considered lucky, because he only has  a motherland and a home land.

My version of mother land and home land will be: China is my basic root for inspiration, entertainments and enlightment. Vietnam I am formed, Denmark fertiles me with learning and grow, US shall be a place for challenge and continuing grow. So I maybe can be somebody one day!

With time I realize, I'm more "wealthy" compare to others immigrants, because I have 3 Motherlands. Vietnam was my born mother, who abandoned me. Denmark was my foster mother, whom love me unconditional.. I will always love her and be gracefull to her with all my heart. China, Tja!  I still do not have a right place for her,  will she be my adoptive mother or my God mother or ........? what else is a right name for her.

I also have 3 homes.Vietnam's home was my parent's home. It was well build, huge and beautiful. Denmark was my 1st own home, that was little,crozy and solid build from the scratch.  In US I am building a 2nd home, that requires lot more effort than my 1st home.
What it will be? will it be as my first home ? Will I able to get it done at all?
Since my background as it . which led me most of the time to consider myself as a world citizen. I'n looking at the world  without boundary.

October 20, 2010

FallQuarter _ W 4 assigment- Gratitude to a Stranger

Take my hand or give me yours
" In my experience, immigrants help each other whenever we can".

In 1977, due to terrible circumstances,  my parents were forced to make the decision of sending me and my younger brother out of Vietnam illegally - on a boat. That lonely little fishing boat floated on the open sea.

 It sailed without meeting other companion  for days. One day we saw bigger ships in the distance, we sent out signal for help, but without responding. We watched the moving objects disappear in the horizon. On the last day of our food supplies, we saw a bigger sailing vehicle in the distance, as  before we send out a help signal. This time there was good sign . The vehicle sailed to us. Many of us were so happy that we were saved. The ship stopped its motor, when it was getting closer,  and few of the sailors jumped on board to our boat. They did not look friendly, we feel threaten by their attitudes and movements. We did not able to communicate with them, we only could  interpreter their non verbal language. All of us quietly realized,  we met "the sea pirate", which many "boat-people" were afraid of. The compass and food supplies, the most important thing were taken from our boat,

The pirates
then they began to rip off a  gold  and brand name watch from one of the male members  on broad.
We strove to communicate in as many languages and dialects we could, but it was no use. Most of us on board were Vietnamese - born Chinese,  so besides Vietnamese we were also able to speak Chinese in several difference dialects. Many of us knew there are  lots of over-sea Chinese living in the Southeast Asia. We hoped they were able to understand - even just one of the Chinese dialects. Since we were in the Thailand Gulf area, we tried to speak in "Teochew" dialect (Chaozhou/Chiu Chow , literally "Tide Prefecture"). At last we saw an older man from the other boat come over. Finally he spoke in the family tone "Teochew",  One of many south Chinese’s dialects. On board the Teochew speaking members started a dialogue with him. We asked his kindness to help. After long conversation with the Teochewnese speaking group, he turned into discussion with his members in his native language. Suddenly, all sailors went back to their ship and returned our food supplies and the compass. In addition they gave us  some more consumable food, but the gold watch was kept by one of the takers. The old man told us which way we needed to go and advised us not to sail  near Thailand, because chances were bigger to meet an other similar kind of ship as his. We need to go towards Malaysia, it was a safer trip for us. 
A week later the litter fishing boat arrived safely into "Pulaur Besar" refugee camp in Malaysia.

Together we stand
 My experience was mild in comparision with many others. The man was unbiased to help us. I did not find out what nationality he belonged to, The only thing I knew, he was able to speak "Teochew ". He was willing to stand up and take the risk to help. This “no bias help” saved me and 30 more others lives. 
Today with recalling these memories  I relize this is one of the most   valuable experiences in my life. I truly believe, all humans are born with hearts full of love and kindness, but many factors in life and society affect us, that we suppress these feeling and turn skeptical. Our good hearts turn into  stone hearts. We tend to lost  in custom of thinking as ourself . We have all learned the help from the unexpected critical moment are most appreciated valuable in life.  Compassion  of providing help without asking for return or none bias  help are the most purities qualification everyone can have. My motto is " I benifit the most when I help other "

October 10, 2010

Fall Quarter _ W2 assigment - Review - 13 Going on 30

"13 going on 30".  It was a 2004 American romantic comedy fantasy film. It was produced by Revolution Studios for Columbia Picture. The Synopsis in this film was a 13-year-old girl appears to skip 17 years of her life, and wakes up , as a successful magazine editor in the future. This film had similar premise to other films, as in 1996 "Wish Upon Star " , "Back To The Future" in 1985,  and "Big "1988; all were about physically transformed into adult. The screenplay itself was not bad, but I feel it did not offer up anything original. I was able to predict exactly, where this film were going at all times.

The message with this film were touching the physical awkwardness of a 13-year-old in a suddenly grown-up body. The psychilogi - how all of us were wanted to be in the warme, but one a while -  it could be heathty to stop up for a self review. If chance are, remember to grabe and use it! because it is better to take time to make for the right  decision, than regret in the long-run.

When I watched the movie for class assignment . I mean, It would be best for me to choose an English Speaking film, because It could be related to . I had zero expectations, and with habit, I did not notice actor or actress name either. This time was also no exception - but later on - I found out, it was starring Jennifer Garner, and this was Jennifer Garner first movie acting. I believe,  I will watch more of Jennifer Garner movie in the near future to see, how Jennifer Garner acting performen with time.

Since I took up my residency in US, I did not go to movie theater yet, but recently I took up movie entertainments, as I mentioned in my early post my entertainments , thought online. Mostly dramas, movie online from Hong Kong, Taiwan and China ; not so many American movies.So  this movie was no exception,  I watched it online through a streamline Chinese's website. Event it is a chinese website, but it also offer other languages movies: as Thai, Japanese, Korean, English and French.

The other benefit with it, The movie was an English speaking film and subtitled in Chinese. By this way, I was able to "Kill two birds with one stone",( 一箭双雕), in the linguistics aspect

More reading go to

September 29, 2010

Shrek The Musical ~ Morning Person ~ Original Broadway Cast

I found this musical lyrics "morning person" by the Sherek Musical, fun to hear and enjoy.
(the Lyric is not word by word match precisely, just close to)
Good morning birds,good morning trees
ohh what a lovely day
The suns so big
it burns my eye,
but really that's ok
A brand new day
 more things to do
so many plans to make
I've had 6 cups of coffee
so I'm really wide awake
I've always been a morning person
 a morning girl
(Going up each time until the bird explodes)
Cheep cheep cheep cheep cheep, Hurray
Cheep cheep cheep cheep cheep, Hurray
Cheep cheep cheep cheep cheep, Hurray
Good morning dear
 say have you heard to day's
my wedding day
 I haven't met my husband yet
I'm hopeful anyway
I'll wear a gown
well have a ball and dance for ever more
he'll take me in his massive arms and spin me in his massive arms
I've always been a morning Person .
A Morning girl Hurray (Mouse tap)
I'm ready to start adventure
I'm going to start one today
I thought I was a monster but this morning
This morning, This morning I'm ok. This morning I'm ok

September 28, 2010

Fall Quarter _ W1 assigment - A morning or a night person

According to the definition of a morning person is a person goes  to bed early in the night and wakes up early morning and energies with task or activities, because base on scientific research also proves that morning person's brains are more active in the morning. If follow this definition I am absolutely not a morning person. I also refer it as an "A" person

 I am not an “ A" person by nature, but I like wakeup early to enjoy the morning sun, hear the birds sing, listen to wave sound from the sea. Also enjoy my breakfast with news paper . For me it is to get orientation about things, that had happen around me yesterday, and the world out side of the US . It is not possible for an average, a city habitant , and new resident in the US as me . for me morning is time for reviewing, resuming, and finishing the tasks that are left over from yesterday . I am not a noctural person. I like "Garfield" and agree with him that "Good Morning is a contradiction in Terms" 

I always love morning , but from the day I’m in US I dislike morning like "Garfield" does, because US live are  pushes you to rush. Don’t have room for a slow and fresh start. I feel always I need to compete with time if I want a better future in America.

A night person in the “ new age language refer as “ B person” and in idiom term is “ a nite owl” like to stay up late and active in the later night. I think with my behave of my brain About 8 or 9 o'clock at night, my brain suddenly kicks into gear, and I'm at my most creative and productive after dark. I make up for the sleep in the mornings (when I can), and that's how I survive.
But as a city habitant I never like the darkness outside my home and the falling temperature at night, darkness is symbolic of the unknown, limitation and dangerous warning
On the other hand I enjoy a night in the nature able to lay down on the grass and look up to the stars in the sky, with possible to studier all the formation of the stars, and let my  fantasy ‘blooming” with them. I like to listen to the sunset, the way he says goodbye. Observation the ending activities around me. how anything around is busy with with wrapping up. I like the silent around me at nig
As an urbanite I like comfort inside of the home able to provide. The activities I have to or like to perform. Most of the time I like to wake up to a clean home in the morning, so I prefer to do small cleaning in the evening, prepare meal for next day .
Now a day many people watch TV in the night, this activity left me after I decided to live in US. I do not watch TV, but my TV is on in the night before bed time because I used it as sleeping pill. It works most of the time. This sleeping pill also works during the day event I don’t want it to have effect.

Summary I'm  not a straight “ A “ or a “B” person, as my daughter told me one time.  She used her sarcastic smile and told me. She is a C or D person. Because she  loves going to bed early and waking up late in the morning.I belive, I also belong to this group

September 25, 2010

Hello from a temperally phone interviewer

I just want to say Hello to everyone in the class. As you have noticed,  I'm absence today, because of temporally works for two weeks . I will join the class on the third Friday as plan,  except my luck turns and  I get "bingo" for all the "lotto" as resumes , I have sent out this summer

With time I will share my experiences with you at my blog for this two weeks assignment as "telephone interview" of course just my observation  and felling as a bi-languages telephone interviews. for me I encourage everyone ESL speaker,   with fair ability of reading and speaking English, try to work at a call center for a while if there are chance. you gain lot of understand the culture via phone and how to apply phone et-tik-ke with strange.  Set your English in use! you have chance to repeated  daily as long the project last, but I also want to say job task is very touch. but right now I fell rewards in getting my live wealthy of knowledge, which is the most treasure that money not can buy.  and one more cap you can wear when you will tell you employer about your skills in case you need it. This job for me it will be temporally I enjoy it as long it last.

August 5, 2010

I was a mand and white in the past live

When my daughter was in high school one day she told me  about her discussion with her American Chinese friend at school: "if you are believing in karma and if there are a past live so I believe, I was a Man and White in the past live".
This sentence was simple, but for me it told lot of an oversea Asian's girl power with a Danish childhood. Every time when there is a feminist subject I always remember  her amused sentences and I realize how much influences of the feminist movement from Denmark have for me and my daughter's way of thinking. I believe if I have not lived  in Denmark so both of our characters would not be the same today.

August 3, 2010

On being a woman today

Being a woman living in USA is privileged because USA like other wealthy, stable, democratic, liberal countries have long been able to utilize opportunities and resources to realize their dreams, ambitions, and freedom,  regardless of age, class or social setting. But all these were not an overnight affair.  We need to remember Without efforts from those pioneer, nurture  and dare to cross boundaries  women so it is impossible for women  today in pursuiting theirs inner voices and dreams. 

Even though in these countries' women aren't a "second sex" but it is not easy for them either.  Nowadays women face  balancing a career with motherhood  and between the traditional norms, expectation and , requirements from the society to be a woman. 
With the feminist liberty I believe everyday duties  at home  are more a sharing duty between partner. I assume all of all condition is equal between Denmark and America, but the histories' fact have showed  women movement  in Denmark is a few steps a head of America.
Lastly it comes with women's liberation also creates limitless new possibilities for both genders as well as  equality in  race  and peace achievement .

July 25, 2010

W 3 - Tomorrow I'm going to spend the day with .....

Tomorrow I'm going to spend the day with the committee of President Obama’s birthday party organizers in Seattle, because next month August the 4th is President Obama's birthday. Part of this meeting is going to focus on the menu. We wish to create a royalty meal plan, that is going to be unforgettable to all guests. It will be dishes that are inspired by places all around the world. In contract to other officially celebrate events, the guests who are going to be influential, notable persons, Seattle’s guests are going to be the vagabonds in Seattle city.

This feast is made possible by an initiative of an anonymous woman, which is being kept secret from the public. The cost of the party is being covered by  contributions of private person , and organization. All labor will be provided by volunteers. None of the contribution are tax deductible.

Can you tell me if the story is bogus or fact?  

July 24, 2010

W.3 Assigment- what future will be?

Our week 3's write assignment is written in future tense. It leads me to think about this song. "Que Sera, Sera". Just post for joy.
 "Que Sera, Sera (Whatever Will Be, Will Be)", first published in 1956, is a popular song which was written by the Jay Livingston and Ray Evans songwriting team.
The song was introduced in Alfred Hitchcock's 1956 film"The Man Who Knew Too Much", with Doris Day and James Stewart in the lead roles.
The song's lyric below  is for your usage in case you want to sing along with the video clip
*When I was just a little girl. I asked my mother what will I be.Will I be pretty.
 will I be rich. Here's what she said to me.Que Sera Sera.Whatever will be will be.
The future's not ours to see.Que Sera Sera.What will be will be.
When I grew up and fell in love. I asked my sweetheart what lies ahead. Will we have rainbows day after day. Here's what my sweetheart said. Que Sera Sera.Whatever will be will be.The future's not ours to see. Que Sera Sera. What will be will be.
Now I have children of my own. They ask their mother what will I be. Will I be handsome . will I be rich.I tell them tenderly.Que Sera Sera. Whatever will be will be.The future's not ours to see.Que Sera Sera. What will be will be. Que Sera Sera*

W3 my extra assigment - America the Beautiful by Kristen O'Loughlin

I love to read, but today I mostly do it online. I come across this website. I like it a lot.
Just want to share this poem to the Class . The poem is written By Kristen O'Loughlin.
Mostly there is a biography of the author on the web link , but not on this author.
I do not able to find anything about her.

Title : America the Beautiful
by Kristen O'Loughlin

America the beautiful, America the free.
You have created this prosperous life for me.
In the past there have been struggles,
which we are continually fighting,
the common crusade, proven to be uniting.
America the beautiful, America the free.
You have given us our rights, bestowing all Americans with liberty.
Each person created equal, deserving of the same rights,
compared to other countries, America has reached new heights.
America the beautiful, America the free.
with all that we've accomplished, and will continue to pursue.
We are a great country .    
Follow link  below, or link list ( Poems) on the right of this blog, you can discover more Poet, Poems, Quotation,  Songs lyrics etc..
America the Beautiful by Kristen O'Loughlin

July 19, 2010

About H.C Andersen

Asigment week 2 post 2
The story “Clumsy Hans” is one of many stories from a Danish author name Hans Christian Andersen (H.C. Andersen). He lived from 1805 – 1875. Today in the litterature's  world he is a legacy. He is the Danes' pride.
He was noted for poet,  for his children's stories. His poetry and stories have been translated into more than 150 languages. Many of his stories have inspired to motion pictures, plays, ballets, and animated films.

You properly have heard stories such as "Thumbelina", "The Snow Queen", "The Ugly Duckling", "The Little Mermaid", "The Emperor's New Clothes", and "The Princess and the Pea". There are from HC Andersen . There are remain popular and are widely read. "The Emperor's New Clothes" and "The Ugly Duckling" have both passed into the English language as well-known expressions

In the Copenhagen harbor , near the Queen’s castle, there is a statue of The Little Mermaid. It was placed in honor of Hans Christian Andersen. April 2, Andersen's birthday, is celebrated as International Children's Book Day.

In the United States, statues of Hans Christian Andersen may be found in Central Park, New York, and in Solvang, California. The Library of Congress Rare Book and Special Collections Division holds a unique collection of Andersen material

Many time H.C Andersen children's stories got mixed up with the Brothers Grims

In Denmark his stories are part as folk tales. At high school level, we studier his story, analyze and interpreter his messages.

Once time, I read an English business journal, they compared the Daner could be associated as Clumsy Hans. They were relaxed, easy going, informal, and not afraid to be themselves and strong mind. Base  on my experience I just love this story because I focus  on humor  portion. It reflex lot of  the Danish's humor . It is so sarcastic, that I do  not to see in America.

I will say if Clumsy Hans is The Danes, so the two older brothers are symbolic as The American.