Season Greeting


"Watch your thoughts; they become words. Watch your words; they become actions. Watch your actions; they become habits. Watch your habits; they become character. Watch your character; it becomes your destiny."

Frank Outlaw

July 24, 2010

W3 my extra assigment - America the Beautiful by Kristen O'Loughlin

I love to read, but today I mostly do it online. I come across this website. I like it a lot.
Just want to share this poem to the Class . The poem is written By Kristen O'Loughlin.
Mostly there is a biography of the author on the web link , but not on this author.
I do not able to find anything about her.

Title : America the Beautiful
by Kristen O'Loughlin

America the beautiful, America the free.
You have created this prosperous life for me.
In the past there have been struggles,
which we are continually fighting,
the common crusade, proven to be uniting.
America the beautiful, America the free.
You have given us our rights, bestowing all Americans with liberty.
Each person created equal, deserving of the same rights,
compared to other countries, America has reached new heights.
America the beautiful, America the free.
with all that we've accomplished, and will continue to pursue.
We are a great country .    
Follow link  below, or link list ( Poems) on the right of this blog, you can discover more Poet, Poems, Quotation,  Songs lyrics etc..
America the Beautiful by Kristen O'Loughlin

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