Season Greeting


"Watch your thoughts; they become words. Watch your words; they become actions. Watch your actions; they become habits. Watch your habits; they become character. Watch your character; it becomes your destiny."

Frank Outlaw

July 12, 2010


BEST and WORST thing  with supportive ideas from personal experience.

The Computer.
My favorite daily activity is to be on my Computer. I do many things with my computer such as record-keeping, reading, e-mailing, jobs searching many more fun and joyful activities when I connect to the Internet.
As I recall, 10 years ago when I arrived to Seattle, the first thing I invested in was a computer and Internet connection. In my back-pack of knowledge, I only knew how to use word, excel and email in Danish.

But having a PC with Internet connection help me to navigate my self into the US society. Mostly my English is self-taught by reading online.
With time I taught myself lot of things via online work with purchasing, cataloging, record keeping, protocols for work. I also used a PC for my project of digging up information about health care insurance, laws and regulations. I also used it in research project to locate different ethnic groups around King county by cities. It was for an outreach project for SHIBA (Statewide Health Insurance Benefit Advice Helpline), which I’m currently a volunteer helping clients to navigate within Health insurance, such as
"Apple for Kids”, It is a WA state health program for kids.
Basic Health”, It is a state health program for low income, which is stopped now because of the budget cut in WA state .
"Medicare" is mostly for the population at age 65 and above.

I also use my computer for financial needs such as bill payment and banking. Last but not least, I use it as a telephone in keeping contact with friends and family in Denmark

In the past year I have gotten many health-related question answered online. I also use it as a cure for my emotional down moments, getting inspiration and positive thoughts by reading and writing.

Now today most of my entertainment with news, film, music also through online. In this way I 'm in control, free from advertising distractions and am able to be selective with information.

Computer with an Internet connection allows me to travel visually any time without leaving the comforts of home.

Today I will definitely saying that Computer and Internet are a must for me. Like a fridge in my kitchen. Computer is window to the world. The biggest "world library" are in-front of you just taking up minimal space. I can follow news and developments in other countries, which interests me.

Frustrations with PCs are that so much information is very overwhelming. Also, they change too often. Sometime changes do not improve productivity, but only add frustration for the user. There are also too many products for the same thing, and they often don't talk with each other.

Based on my experience, once when using security check my computer indicated it had a virus, so I tried to remove with programs I had available. But there was no way to correct it. At last I called my Brother in San Francisco. He advised me to download a free program. It took me a week to get my computer to work properly again. At the moment, I can see my PC is not working right, because The Chinese and Vietnamese programs are in conflict with the English programs.

The worst aspect of PC is technology. It is changing with lighting speed. Technology changes make me feel old and slow, like I can never catch up. Secondary is cyber space theft, Many fraud and ID theft take place online. Personally When I'm on my computer time flies; spending 2 -3 hours feels like 2-3 minutes. I feel my computer steals my time. And this activity is sedentary. Physically it is not healthy for the body.


  1. Good job, VIctoria -- can you please go to "edit post" and make the font BIGGER?! It is hard to read! Then I will edit it ---

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. WOW Victoria you are very good writer, I am impress, I really am.
    Good job keep working.


  4. I totally agree with you Victoria. Computer really helps us in our life. And so many informations on the internet. When i met problems or questions, ask google became to my conditioned reflex. BTW, I like your sentence "Computer and Internet are a must for me. As a fridge in my kitchen."

  5. "It is easy, when jobs are looking for people. On the way around we need to be strong mind."
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