Season Greeting


"Watch your thoughts; they become words. Watch your words; they become actions. Watch your actions; they become habits. Watch your habits; they become character. Watch your character; it becomes your destiny."

Frank Outlaw

July 24, 2010

W.3 Assigment- what future will be?

Our week 3's write assignment is written in future tense. It leads me to think about this song. "Que Sera, Sera". Just post for joy.
 "Que Sera, Sera (Whatever Will Be, Will Be)", first published in 1956, is a popular song which was written by the Jay Livingston and Ray Evans songwriting team.
The song was introduced in Alfred Hitchcock's 1956 film"The Man Who Knew Too Much", with Doris Day and James Stewart in the lead roles.
The song's lyric below  is for your usage in case you want to sing along with the video clip
*When I was just a little girl. I asked my mother what will I be.Will I be pretty.
 will I be rich. Here's what she said to me.Que Sera Sera.Whatever will be will be.
The future's not ours to see.Que Sera Sera.What will be will be.
When I grew up and fell in love. I asked my sweetheart what lies ahead. Will we have rainbows day after day. Here's what my sweetheart said. Que Sera Sera.Whatever will be will be.The future's not ours to see. Que Sera Sera. What will be will be.
Now I have children of my own. They ask their mother what will I be. Will I be handsome . will I be rich.I tell them tenderly.Que Sera Sera. Whatever will be will be.The future's not ours to see.Que Sera Sera. What will be will be. Que Sera Sera*

1 comment:

  1. I had forgotten about this song -- thanks for the reminder! It is really so simple....and such a good thing to KEEP IN MIND when trying to "control" things.....THANK YOU!
