Season Greeting


"Watch your thoughts; they become words. Watch your words; they become actions. Watch your actions; they become habits. Watch your habits; they become character. Watch your character; it becomes your destiny."

Frank Outlaw

October 10, 2010

Fall Quarter _ W2 assigment - Review - 13 Going on 30

"13 going on 30".  It was a 2004 American romantic comedy fantasy film. It was produced by Revolution Studios for Columbia Picture. The Synopsis in this film was a 13-year-old girl appears to skip 17 years of her life, and wakes up , as a successful magazine editor in the future. This film had similar premise to other films, as in 1996 "Wish Upon Star " , "Back To The Future" in 1985,  and "Big "1988; all were about physically transformed into adult. The screenplay itself was not bad, but I feel it did not offer up anything original. I was able to predict exactly, where this film were going at all times.

The message with this film were touching the physical awkwardness of a 13-year-old in a suddenly grown-up body. The psychilogi - how all of us were wanted to be in the warme, but one a while -  it could be heathty to stop up for a self review. If chance are, remember to grabe and use it! because it is better to take time to make for the right  decision, than regret in the long-run.

When I watched the movie for class assignment . I mean, It would be best for me to choose an English Speaking film, because It could be related to . I had zero expectations, and with habit, I did not notice actor or actress name either. This time was also no exception - but later on - I found out, it was starring Jennifer Garner, and this was Jennifer Garner first movie acting. I believe,  I will watch more of Jennifer Garner movie in the near future to see, how Jennifer Garner acting performen with time.

Since I took up my residency in US, I did not go to movie theater yet, but recently I took up movie entertainments, as I mentioned in my early post my entertainments , thought online. Mostly dramas, movie online from Hong Kong, Taiwan and China ; not so many American movies.So  this movie was no exception,  I watched it online through a streamline Chinese's website. Event it is a chinese website, but it also offer other languages movies: as Thai, Japanese, Korean, English and French.

The other benefit with it, The movie was an English speaking film and subtitled in Chinese. By this way, I was able to "Kill two birds with one stone",( 一箭双雕), in the linguistics aspect

More reading go to

1 comment:

  1. Good job killing two birds with one stone, Victoria. (Please share that website address in class!)
    This is a great review -- what I want to concentrate on with you is changing your writing from less stream-of-consciousness" style to a more organized, standard writing style. We'll talk about that more this week :)
    ; not so many American movies. (use semi-colon, many)
    I watched this movie online (first person is better here)
    My mind was on ground zero - I understand what you mean, but that phrases makes me think of 9/11 - it might be better to say, "I had zero expectations" or "I didn't have any idea what to expect from this movie."
