Season Greeting


"Watch your thoughts; they become words. Watch your words; they become actions. Watch your actions; they become habits. Watch your habits; they become character. Watch your character; it becomes your destiny."

Frank Outlaw

October 22, 2010

W4-FallQuate_ optional writing_My mother - and homelands

Once time I read a writer, ( I forgot the name), with this version  of motherland and homeland:"To Vietnam, My motherland. whose good earth gave me fertile ground to learn and grow.To America, my homeland,whose good heart gave me a chance to be somebody"

After reading this two sentences, my First reation is :  He is considered lucky, because he only has  a motherland and a home land.

My version of mother land and home land will be: China is my basic root for inspiration, entertainments and enlightment. Vietnam I am formed, Denmark fertiles me with learning and grow, US shall be a place for challenge and continuing grow. So I maybe can be somebody one day!

With time I realize, I'm more "wealthy" compare to others immigrants, because I have 3 Motherlands. Vietnam was my born mother, who abandoned me. Denmark was my foster mother, whom love me unconditional.. I will always love her and be gracefull to her with all my heart. China, Tja!  I still do not have a right place for her,  will she be my adoptive mother or my God mother or ........? what else is a right name for her.

I also have 3 homes.Vietnam's home was my parent's home. It was well build, huge and beautiful. Denmark was my 1st own home, that was little,crozy and solid build from the scratch.  In US I am building a 2nd home, that requires lot more effort than my 1st home.
What it will be? will it be as my first home ? Will I able to get it done at all?
Since my background as it . which led me most of the time to consider myself as a world citizen. I'n looking at the world  without boundary.


  1. Very interesting! I am interested in your connection with China -- did you ever actually live there? If you didn't, I would say that it isn't really a homeland, but more of a lens that you look through, given to you by your parents. (Perhaps?)
    I agree that you are wealthy in respect to having so many cultures and experiences to draw on. It both sets you apart but also makes you stronger. It is what makes you so unique, Victoria!!
    Thank you for sharing this...

  2. As Liz comment. I think, it is right. I see the world with a pair of Chinese lens, because event if I want to give China a place in my heart, she will reject it.
